List of Chromosome Count Reports - Acritopappus

Probable Base Number for Genus x = 9

A. confertus n=9 ref Robinson et al. 1989

A. hagei n=9 ref Robinson et al. 1989

A. longifolius n=9 ref Coleman 1970 (reported as Alomia longifolia)

A. morii n=9 ref Robinson et al. 1989

A. prunifolius n=9 ref Robinson et al. 1989


Coleman, J. R. 1970. Additional chromosome numbers in some Brazilian Compositae. Rhodora 72: 94-99.

Robinson, H., A. M. Powell, G. D. Carr, R. M. King, and J. F. Weedin. 1989. Chromosome numbers in Compositae, XVI: Eupatorieae II. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76: 1004-1011.