List of Chromosome Count Reports - Ageratina

Probable Base Number for Genus x = 17

Note: agamospermy/polyploidy is widespread in Ageratina

Note: includes Piptothrix

Reference List is at bottom of page

A. adenophora 2n=51 ref Keil et al. 1988

A. altissima 2n=34 ref Grant 1953; n=ca 17 King et al. 1976

A. anisochroma n=17, 2n=34 ref King et al. 1976; Robinson et al. 1989; Sundberg et al. 1986; Watanabe et al. 1995

A. areolaris n=17 ref cf BLT 1997 (Piptothrix)

A. aromatica 2n=34 ref Grant 1953

A. articulata 2n=34II ref Sundberg et al. 1986

A. aschenborniana n=17, ca 17, ca 20, ca 10, ca 84 I ref King et al. 1976

A. atrocordata n=17 ref cf BLT 1997

A. azangaroensis n=17, 2n=17II + 2 B ref King et al. 1976; Robinson et al. 1989

A. barbensis n=17 ref King et al. 1976

A. bellidifolia n=68-69 ref King et al. 1976

A. brevipes n=17 Sundberg et al. 1986

A. bustamenta n=17, n=51, 2n=20, ca 70I ref Turner 1962; Robinson et al. 1989; Watanabe et al. 1995; Grashoff et al. 1972

A. cardiophylla 2n= ca 68 Grashoff et al. 1972; Watanabe et al. 2007

A. chiapensis n=17, ca 16, 2n=17II, 2n=1 III + 15 II + 1 I ref King et al. 1976; Strother 1983; Sundberg et al. 1986

A. conspicua n=ca 25 ref King et al. 1976; 2n=17 II, 17 II + fragments, 54 II - Strother 1983 (as Eupatorium skutchii)

A. costaricensis n=ca 70-100 I ref King et al. 1976

A. deltoidea 2n=34 Grashoff et al. 1972

A. dendroides 2n=ca 40 ref Robinson et al. 1989

A. exerto-venosa n=ca 42, 40 + B chromosomes ref King et al. 1976

A. glabrata n=17 ref Strother 1983

A. glandulosa 2n=51 ref Grant 1953

A. glechnophylla 2n=17 II + 2 fragments ref King et al. 1976

A. gracilis n=18 Powell & King 1969 (as Eupatorium gracile)

A. havanensis n=17 Sundberg et al. 1986; Watanabe et al. 1995

A. helenae n=17 ref cf BLT 1997

A. herbacea n=17 Turner & Flyr 1966; Keil et al. 1988; Watanabe et al. 1995

A. hidalgensis n=17 ref cf BLT 1997

A. hintonii n=17 ref Watanabe et al. 2007

A. isolepis 2n=34 ref Watanabe et al. 1995

A. ixioclada n=17 ref King et al. 1976

A. jalicensis n=ca. 17 Sundberg et al. 1986 (Piptothrix)

A. josepaneroi 2n=34-36 ref Strother & Panero 2001

A. jucunda 2n=34 ref Grant 1953

A. ligustrina n= 16, 17, ca 50, 55, 51 I ref King et al. 1976; Strother 1983; Sundberg et al. 1986. NOTE: Report of Turner et al. 1961 as Eupatorium cf. ligustrinum is actually Koanophyllon albicaule)

A. mairetiana n=17 King et al. 1976, Robinson et al. 1989

A. muelleri 2n=68 Grashoff et al. 1972

A. occidentale 2n=34 ref Grant 1953

A. oreithales 2n=51 I ref cf BLT 1997

A. pazcuarensis 2n= 50 I, 51 I Sundberg et al. 1986; Grashoff et al. 1972

A. pendula 2n=34 ref Strother & Panero 2001

A. peracuminata n=16 or 17 ref Sundberg et al. 1986

A. petiolaris 17 Turner et al. 1962; ref King et al. 1976

A. petiolata 2n=ca 34 ref Grant 1953

A. pichinchensis n=17, 2n=17 II + 17I, 84 I, 30-34 ref cf BLT 1997; King et al. 1976

A. pringlei 2n= 17 II ref Sundberg et al. 1986

A. cf pringlei n=17 ref King et al. 1976

A. prunellifolia 2n=51 I ref cf BLT 1997

A. pseudochilca n=ca 42 King et al. 1976; Robinson et al. 1989

A. riparia n=17 ref Turner et al. 1967 (as Eupatorium ventillanum)

A. rothrockii 2n=51, 2n=68, 85 I ref Watanabe et al. 1995; Grashoff et al. 1972; 2n>80 Grant 1953

A. scordonioides 2n=34 ref Watanabe et al. 1995

A. subcordata n=17 ref King et al. 1976

A. subinclusa n=17 ref King et al. 1976 (NOTE - published as Peteravenia phoenicolepis but the voucher was reidentified by Robinson et al. 1989)

A. tinifolia n=ca 40 ref Powell & King 1969 (reported as Eupatorium tinifolium)

A. tomentella n=17 ref Strother 1983; Sundberg et al. 1986

A. vernalis n=18 ref Strother 1983 (as Eupatorium subpenninervium)

A. wrightii 2n=34 ref Watanabe et al. 1995


Grant, W. F. 1953. A cytotaxonomic study in the genus Eupatorium. American Journal of Botany 40: 729-742.

Grashoff, J. L., M. W. Bierner, and D. K. Northington. 1972. Chromosome numbers in North and Central American Compositae. Brittonia 24: 379-394.

Keil, D. J., M. A. Luckow, and D. J. Pinkava. 1988. Chromosome studies in Asteraceae from the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. American Journal of Botany 75: 652-668

King, R. M., D. W. Kyhos, A. M. Powell, P. H. Raven, and H. Robinson. 1976. Chromosome numbers in Compositae. XIII. Eupatorieae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 862-888.

Powell, A. M. and R. M. King. 1969. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae: Colombian species. American Journal of Botany 56: 116-121.

Robinson, H., A. M. Powell, G. D. Carr, R. M. King, and J. F. Weedin. 1989. Chromosome numbers in Compositae, XVI: Eupatorieae II. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76: 1004-1011.

Strother J. L. 1983. More chromosome studies in Compositae. American Journal of Botany 70: 1217-1224.

Strother, J. L. and J. L. Panero. 2001. Chromosome studies: Mexican Compositae. American Journal of Botany 88: 499-502.

Sundberg, S., C. P. Cowan, and B. L. Turner. 1986. Chromosome counts of Latin American Compositae. American Journal of Botany 73: 33-38.

Turner, B. L. and D. Flyr. 1966. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. X. North American species. American Journal of Botany 53: 24-33.

Turner, B. L., W. L. Ellison, and R. M. King. 1961. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. IV. North American species, with phyletic interpretations. American Journal of Botany 48: 216-223.

Turner, B. L. A. M. Powell, and J. Cuatrecasas. 1967. Chromosome numbers in Compositae. XI. Peruvian species. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 54: 172-177.

Turner, B. L., A. M. Powell, and R. M. King. 1962. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae VI. Additional Mexican and Guatemalan Species. Rhodora 64: 251-271.

BLT 1997, Turner, B. L. 1997. The Comps of Mexico. Eupatorieae. Phytologia Memoirs Vol. 11.

Watanabe, K., R. M. King, T. Yahara, M. Ito, J. Yokoyama, T. Suzuki, and D. J. Crawford. 1995. Chromosomal cytology and evolution in Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 82: 581-592.

Watanabe, K., T. Yahara, G. Hashimoto, Y. Nagatani, A. Soejima, T. Kawahara, and M. Nakazawa. 2007. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes in Asteraceae. Annal of the Missouri Botanical Garden 94: 643-654.