List of Chromosome Count Reports - Lourteigia

Probable Base Number for Genus x = 10

L. ballotifolia n= 10 ref Powell and King 1969 - NOTE, they reported this as Eupatorium aff. pycnocephaloides, according to King et al. 1976

L. stochaedifolia n= 10 ref Powell and King 1969 (reported as Eupatorium stoechaedifolium.); Powell and Cuatrecasas 1970


Powell, A. M. and J. Cuatrecasas. 1970. Chromosome numbers in Compositae: Colombian and Venezuelan species. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 57: 374-379.

Powell, A. M. and R. M. King. 1969. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae: Colombian species. American Journal of Botany 56: 116-121.

King, R. M., D. W. Kyhos, A. M. Powell, P. H. Raven, and H. Robinson. 1976. Chromosome numbers in Compositae. XIII. Eupatorieae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 862-888.