List of Chromosome Count Reports - Praxelis

Probable Base Number for Genus x = 10

NOTE: apomixis and associated chromosomal irregularities have been noted for this genus.

P. clematidea 2n=30 ref Watanabe et al. 1995; n=32 ref Robinson et al. 1989; 2n=30 Dematteis et al. 2007; 2n=ca 20 Turner et al. 1979

P. kleinioides n=40 II ref Robinson et al. 1989; 2n=7II + 26I Turner & Irwin 1960

P. missiona 2n=80 ref Watanabe et al. 2007

P. pauciflora 2n=30 ref Bertasso-Borges & Coleman 1998 (as Eupatorium pauciflorum)


Bertasso-Borges, M. S. and J. R. Coleman. 1998. Embryology and cytogenetics of Eupatorium pauciflorum and E. intermedium (Compositae). Genetics and Molecular Biology 21: 507-514.

Dematteis, M., J. Molero, M. B. Angulo, and A. M. Rovira. 2007. Chromosome studies on some Asteraceae from South America. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 153: 221-230.

Robinson, H., A. M. Powell, G. D. Carr, R. M. King, and J. F. Weedin. 1989. Chromosome numbers in Compositae, XVI: Eupatorieae II. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76: 1004-1011.

Turner, B. L. and H. S. Irwin. 1960. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae II. Meiotic counts for fourteen species of Brazilian Compositae. Rhodora 62: 122-126.

Turner, B. L., J. Bacon, L. Urbatsch and B. Simpson. 1979. Chromosome numbers in South American Compositae. American Journal of Botany 66: 173-178.

Watanabe, K., R. M. King, T. Yahara, M. Ito, J. Yokoyama, T. Suzuki, and D. J. Crawford. 1995. Chromosomal cytology and evolution in Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 82: 581-592.

Watanabe, K., R. M. King, T. Yahara, M. Ito, J. Yokoyama, T. Suzuki, and D. J. Crawford. 1995. Chromosomal cytology and evolution in Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 82: 581-592.