List of Chromosome Count Reports - Bartlettina

Probable Base Number for Genus x = 16

B. breedlovei n=16 ref King et al. 1976; Strother 1983

B. guatamalensis n=16 ref King et al. 1976

B. hintonii n=16 ref Sundberg et al. 1986

B. macdougalii n=16 ref cf BLT 1997

B. oresbia n=16 ref cf BLT 1997

B. pansamalense n=16 + 1 fragment ref Strother 1983

B. pinabetense n=16 ref Strother 1983

B. sordida n=16 ref King et al. 1976; Watanabe et al. 1995

B. tenejapana n=16 ref cf BLT 1997

B. tuerckheimii n=16 ref King et al. 1976; Strother 1983

B. paezense n=10 ref Powell & Cuatrecasas 1970


King, R. M., D. W. Kyhos, A. M. Powell, P. H. Raven, and H. Robinson. 1976. Chromosome numbers in Compositae. XIII. Eupatorieae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 862-888.

Powell, A. M. and J. Cuatrecasas. 1970. Chromosome numbers in Compositae: Colombian and Venezuelan species. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 57: 374-379.

Strother J. L. 1983. More chromosome studies in Compositae. American Journal of Botany 70: 1217-1224.

Sundberg, S., C. P. Cowan, and B. L. Turner. 1986. Chromosome counts of Latin American Compositae. American Journal of Botany 73: 33-38.

BLT 1997, Turner, B. L. 1997. The Comps of Mexico. Eupatorieae. Phytologia Memoirs Vol. 11.

Watanabe, K., R. M. King, T. Yahara, M. Ito, J. Yokoyama, T. Suzuki, and D. J. Crawford. 1995. Chromosomal cytology and evolution in Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 82: 581-592.