List of Chromosome Count Reports - Brickellia

Probable Base Number for Genus x = 9

Note: Barroetea, Phanerostylis, and Kuhnia are synonyms of Brickellia

Reference List at Bottom

B. adenocarpa n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. amplexicaulis n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. arguta n=9 ref King et al. 1976

B. argyrolepis n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; King et al. 1976; Robinson et al. 1989

B. atractyloides n=9 ref King et al. 1976; Pinkava & Keil 1977

B. baccharidea n=9 ref Powell & Weedin 1986

B. betonicifolia n=9; 2n=18 ref Gaiser 1953; Keil et al. 1988; Watanabe et al. 1995; Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. brachiata n=9 Turner & Flyr 1966

B. brachyphylla n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. brandegei n=9 ref cf BLT 1997

B. californica n=9, 2n=18 ref Gaiser 1953; King et al. 1976; Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. cavanillesii n=9 ref cf BLT 1997

B. chenopodina 2n=9II ref Keil et al. 1988

B. chlorolepis 2n=18 ref Turner 1959; Watanabe et al. 1995; Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. coahuilensis n=9 ref Turner & King 1964 (as Eupatorium longipes) (Phanerostylis)

B. coulteri n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; Keil & Pinkava 1976; Pinkava & Keil 1977

B. cuspidata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. cylindracea n=9 ref Powell & Weedin 1986

B. dentata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. desertorum n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. diffusa n=ca 9, 2n=18 ref Turner & Flyr 1966; Gaiser 1953

B. eupatorioides 2n=18 Gaiser 1954 (Kuhnia)

B. floribunda n=18 ref Gaiser 1953

B. glandulosa n=18 ref cf BLT 1997

B. glomerata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. grandiflora 2n=18 ref Gaiser 1953; Keil & Pinkava 1976; Keil et al. 1988; Watanabe et al. 1995

B. greenei n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. guatemalensis n=9 ref King et al. 1976

B. hintoniorum n=9 ref cf BLT 1997 (Phanerostylis)

B. incana 2n=18, 2n=27 ref Gaiser 1953; King et al. 1976

B. laciniata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; Turner & Flyr 1966

B. lanata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. laxiflora n=9 ref Turner & Flyr 1966; Keil & Pinkava 1976 (Barroetea)

B. leptophylla n=9 ref King et al. 1976

B. lemmonii n=9 ref cf BLT 1997

B. macromera n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. megaphylla n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. microphylla n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. monocephala n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. nevinii n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. nutanticeps n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. oblongifolia n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. oliganthe n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. pacayensis n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. palmeri n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. paniculata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; Strother 1983; Sundberg et al. 1986

B. parvula n=9 ref Powell & Weedin 1986

B. pavonii n=9 ref Sundberg et al. 1986; Gaiser 1954 (Barroetea)

B. pedunculosa n=9 ref Grashoff et al. 1972 (Phanerostylis)

B. pendula n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. peninsularis n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. pringlei n=9 ref Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. problematica n=9 ref Strother & Panero 2001 (Barroetea or Phanerostylis)

B. reticulata n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. robinsonii n=9 ref Turner et al. 1962

B. rusbyi n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. scabra n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. schaffneri n=9 ref King et al. 1976; Gaiser 1954

B. secundiflora n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; Turner & King 1964; Sundberg et al. 1986

B. scoparia n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. simplex n=9 ref Ward 1983

B. subuligera n=9 ref Sundberg et al. 1986; Gaiser 1954 (Barroetea)

B. tenuiflora n=9 ref Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. tomentella n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. urolepis n=9 ref Pinkava & Keil 1977

B. venosa n=9 ref Gaiser 1953; Keil & Pinkava 1976

B. verbenacea n=9 ref Gaiser 1953

B. veronicifolia n=9 ref King et al. 1976

B. watsonii n=9 ref Powell & Weedin 1986

B. wislizeni n=9 ref Gaiser 1953


Gaiser, L. O. 1953. Studies in the Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae). I. Brickellia. Rhodora 55: 253-267; 269-288.

Gaiser, L. O. 1954. Studies in the Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae). II. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 35: 87-133.

Grashoff, J. L., M. W. Bierner, and D. K. Northington. 1972. Chromosome numbers in North and Central American Compositae. Brittonia 24: 379-394.

Keil, D. J. and D. J. Pinkava. 1976. Chromosome counts and taxonomic notes for Compositae from the United States and Mexico. American Journal of Botany 63: 1393-1403.

Keil, D. J., M. A. Luckow, and D. J. Pinkava. 1988. Chromosome studies in Asteraceae from the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. American Journal of Botany 75: 652-668

King, R. M., D. W. Kyhos, A. M. Powell, P. H. Raven, and H. Robinson. 1976. Chromosome numbers in Compositae. XIII. Eupatorieae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 862-888.

Pinkava, D. J. and D. J. Keil. 1977. Chromosome counts of Compositae from the United States and Mexico. American Journal of Botany 64: 680-686.

Powell, A. M. and J. F. Weedin. 1986. Chromosome number reports 91. Taxon 35: 407-408.

Robinson, H., A. M. Powell, G. D. Carr, R. M. King, and J. F. Weedin. 1989. Chromosome numbers in Compositae, XVI: Eupatorieae II. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76: 1004-1011.

Strother J. L. 1983. More chromosome studies in Compositae. American Journal of Botany 70: 1217-1224.

Strother, J. L. and J. L. Panero. 2001. Chromosome studies: Mexican Compositae. American Journal of Botany 88: 499-502.

Sundberg, S., C. P. Cowan, and B. L. Turner. 1986. Chromosome counts of Latin American Compositae. American Journal of Botany 73: 33-38.

Turner, B. L. 1959. Meiotic chromosome counts for 12 species of Texas Compositae. Brittonia 11: 173-177.

Turner, B. L. and D. Flyr. 1966. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. X. North American species. American Journal of Botany 53: 24-33.

Turner, B. L. and R. M. King. 1964. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. VIII. Mexican and Central American species. Southwestern Naturalist 93: 27-39.

BLT 1997, Turner, B. L. 1997. The Comps of Mexico. Eupatorieae. Phytologia Memoirs Vol. 11.

Turner, B. L., A. M. Powell, and R. M. King. 1962. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae VI. Additional Mexican and Guatemalan Species. Rhodora 64: 251-271.

Ward, D. E. 1983. In IOPB Chromosome number reports 80. Taxon 32: 510-511.

Watanabe, K., R. M. King, T. Yahara, M. Ito, J. Yokoyama, T. Suzuki, and D. J. Crawford. 1995. Chromosomal cytology and evolution in Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 82: 581-592.