Eupatorium mohrii

Distinguishing Features: leaves are relatively narrow, often somewhat recurved, upper leaves may be alternate; involucral bracts on immature heads are often pinkish.

Habitat: open areas, often ditches along roadsides in the southern Atlantic coastal plain where it forms large populations.

Geographic Distribution : widespread in coastal plain

Similar Species: Eupatorium anomalum has leaves that are broader, with the teeth more conspicuous, and not as recurved; E. mohrii includes sexual diploids with very narrow leaves that were earlier segregated as E. recurvans; E. anomalum is a polyploid apomictic species that molecular evidence suggests was formed by hybridization between E. mohrii and E. serotinum .

Molecular Data : samples of E. mohrii (DNA #s ) differ in the ITS sequence from all other species by a minimum of 12 bp changes.

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